
Leslie Laine

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Appointments available in Worthing and Hove

07989 974232 leslielaine@me.com

What is biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a non-invasive hands on therapy that aims to enable the body-mind to be resourced enough to enable healing through its own innate intelligence. During the course of our lives we may have experiences that we are at not, at that time, equipped to deal with adequately. At such moments our bodies step in to protect us and envelop us in the millions of years of wisdom that it has at its disposal, parcelling off the “overwhelm” in its tissues, to wait patiently until such time as we are sufficiently resourced to be able to manage the difficulties that we found too hard at the time.

Despite what may seem like insurmountable problems, our bodies are doing this all the time. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy aims to give you the resources to become conscious of your body’s design and to enable you to reconnect those areas that were parcelled off with your central being. By the use of gentle non-invasive negotiated touch and holding in a safe listening field, we invite your whole body-mind system to come to the fore and unfold in its own time and at its own pace. Our culture prioritises cognitive processes over being and body processes and so it might feel strange at first to be working in this way.

What happens in a session?

Typically we begin by “checking in” verbally and settling together. Then we move on to table-work, fully clothed and the client is held gently on the table in various craniosacral holds, which can typically involve the feet, sacrum, spine and head.

I have diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy from the Karuna Institute, one of the leading training providers in the UK. I am also a Psychotherapist, having trained in Embodied Relational Therapy, Jungian Psychotherapy, Family Constellations, Couples Counselling, Group Therapy and Systemic Ritual.

Get in Touch

Leslie Laine
07989 974232

Sessions available in East Worthing and in Hove at the Wilbury Clinic.

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